


Biggest Mistakes Homeowners Make with Carpet

Carpets are an excellent choice for any home. Most carpet owners are unaware that carpets require sensitive care. Here are the most common carpet mistakes encountered by homeowners.

Many people enjoy taking the bull by the horns and doing home upkeep. DIYers often thrive on replacing bathroom tiles, installing brand-new fixtures, and installing a stylish front door. The most crucial aspect of the do-it-yourself impulse is knowing when to back off and call in professionals. Carpet cleaning is an example. What about carpet cleaning?

Common Carpet Mistakes Made by Homeowners

Carpet is one of the most popular types of residential flooring. Carpet is difficult to top for the peaceful and comfortable home experience it creates, from smooth fibres to toasty warmth in the winter. These soft floors, though, take their fair share of abuse. The carpet is continually walked on, discoloured by coffee and other fluids, and pounded by your pets. Avoid the frequent carpet cleaning blunders listed below to help maintain the functioning and appearance of your carpet.

Scrub the carpet vigorously.

Many homeowners assume that rubbing or scrubbing their carpets will help eliminate stains and that they will not need to spend more on carpet cleaning. Scrubbing your carpet with a scrub brush or towel, on the other hand, can drive the molecules further down, aggravating the damage to the fibres. Instead of using a brush, try lightly blotting your carpet with a white cloth.

Buy no walk-off mats, runners, or area rugs.

Dirt, snow, salt, leaves, and water can easily find their way inside your home. A simple mat or area rug might help protect the carpet on the inside. A mat or rug at the door will prevent large dirt and debris from being tracked inside and staining your carpet. The most efficient places to lay mats, runners, or area rugs are high-traffic areas in your home, such as by your doors, stairs, hallways, kitchen, and so on. You may significantly extend the life of your carpets by using a simple walk-off mat, runner, or area rug.

Vacuuming too little or too much.

Although vacuuming might be time-consuming, doing too much or too little can damage your carpets. We recommend vacuuming your rugs once a week, and if you have dogs or children, you should consider vacuuming every other day. Don’t be fooled by appearances—not all filth is apparent to the human eye. Millions of oil, dust and other particles can hide between your carpet fibres for months. Regular carpet cleaning and vacuuming will aid in preserving your carpet’s healthy fibres and natural colour.

Mistakes in DIY Carpet Cleaning

To prove our argument, let’s examine a few mistakes that lead to the necessity for expert carpet cleaning services. Let’s get this party started.

1. Using too much shampoo – We probably see it the most. Homeowners who rent carpet shampooing machines want to ensure that their carpets are thoroughly cleaned. So they stock up on shampoo. Even worse, they need to remove all the detergents and chemicals from the carpet thoroughly enough. As a result, the carpet stinks to high heaven and is dangerous for pets and children. At Reztor, we use high-pressure, truck-mounted steam cleaning technology that penetrates to the root of the pile and then removes and deposits every last drop of residue. Nothing but pristine carpets are left behind.

2. Getting the carpet too wet – Every year, do-it-yourselfers damage millions of dollars worth of carpeting by using too much water when shampooing their carpet. The consequences of this error are often obvious: the carpet feels mushy, and walking on it may even make the bottoms of your feet damp. Sometimes it takes a week or so for the homeowner to notice something is wrong. That’s when they notice a musty odour, similar to what you might smell in a damp cellar. The carpet has been damaged in both circumstances. Our truck-mounted carpet cleaning services use steam power rather than water to extract every last grain of dust and dust mite from your carpeting. The moisture content is kept to a minimum, and any existing water is removed using our powerful vacuum.

3. Ignoring the warranty – Attempting to fix your furnace will nullify any warranty that may still be in effect. The same applies to attempting to repair any other appliance or numerous components of your car. The same is true of carpets. Many carpets now have a warranty for cleaning and stain removal. The problem is that if you read the fine print (and you should always read the fine print), you’ll often find that if you clean the carpet yourself, the warranty is voided. Even if there is no specific stain, the guarantee may require that the carpet be professionally cleaned once a year (or something similar) to maintain the warranty.

4. Excessive use of deodorisers – Everyone wants their home to smell fresh and clean. And, given the importance of carpeting in the interior, it makes sense that the clean, fresh aroma should begin with it. We often see carpets with deodorisers layered on top to disguise unpleasant scents that may have remained after an attempted cleaning. Perhaps the DIYer was unsuccessful at removing the pet odour, or they used too much water, causing the carpet to smell mouldy. In either scenario, they opted for all-in on the deodoriser, and now they have a dirty carpet that smells like a deodoriser. It isn’t pretty. And, when it comes to deodorisers, “more is never better.”

5. Uncertainty about removing specific stains – A wine stain is treated differently from cat pee. Pasta sauce is not treated the same way as shoe polish. And so forth. Furthermore, the same stain reacts differently to different types of carpet. So, if you want to remove stains correctly, you need to know what you’re doing. Alternatively, you could make matters worse by adding to the stain, driving it deeper into the fibres, or smearing it around and spreading the stained region. Attempting to remove a stain on your own could void the warranty. Do yourself and your pocketbook a favour and use the professionals at Steve’s carpet cleaning services to clean any stains.

Carpet cleaning is not the same as car washing. It’s more like fine-tuning an automobile. If you do it incorrectly, you could be looking at a large repair or replacement charge in the future. Some tasks lend wonderfully to the DIY gene, but others are better for individuals properly trained to execute the job. Carpet cleaning is not the same as car washing.


We hope you find this helpful in understanding common carpet-cleaning blunders. There are several faults that you should avoid. Learn how to preserve your carpets and prevent significant problems.

Reztor Restoration is Australia’s leading carpet cleaning company. All the time, we work hard to win our consumers’ trust. If you’re considering hiring a machine, we strongly advise you to reconsider and instead contact Reztor for expert carpet cleaning services.