

Preventing Black Mould Growth in Your Home

It can cause various health issues, including respiratory problems, sinus infections, headaches, and eye irritation. 

Mould is toxic for anyone, but it is more deadly if you live with infants, the elderly, or anyone with respiratory disorders. Aside from the health risks, mould can damage your furniture and even jeopardise the structural integrity of your home.

But what is it exactly? Mould in your home is an airborne spore that flourishes in warm, humid environments. It may grow on almost any surface, including textiles, wooden furniture, tiles, painted concrete walls, and plastics.

Winter is conducive to black mould infestations because our windows and doors are closed to keep the weather out. As a result, your home lacks sufficient ventilation, resulting in the accumulation of humid air. As the days and weeks pass, condensation accumulates, creating ideal wet conditions for black mould growth.

Always check your policy to determine if mould growth is covered.

It’s Simple to Avoid Mould This Winter

  1. Opening Windows: While it may be tempting to close the hatches until spring, keep your house as ventilated as possible. Kitchens and bathrooms are the most likely to produce black mould. To avoid moisture buildup when cooking or taking a shower, open a window or two for a few minutes before closing them. If you’re concerned about letting the heat leave, have air vents retrofitted into your windows.
  2. Keep Doors Closed: Since kitchens and bathrooms are the most likely places for mould to grow, try to avoid excess moisture in these rooms. Keep the bathroom door closed while taking a shower or bath. If you do, the steam will circulate more freely around the house, potentially producing mould problems in other rooms. Condensation on your hallway or landing walls can lead to mould growth.
  3. Clean Carpets: Take action immediately if you smell a musty, unpleasant odour in carpeted rooms. Mould may be forming under your feet, unseen by your eyes.

Because prevention is the most effective medicine, invest in anti-microbial carpet cushioning. While this may be a bit more expensive, it will save you money and time in the long run if you have a mould outbreak.

To keep black mould at bay, vacuum carpets regularly and get them professionally cleaned once a year.

  1. Check for Leaks: While household appliances such as kettles and showers can cause moisture buildup, it’s essential to completely inspect your property for leaks or cracks that may allow extra moisture into the home.

Under sinks, behind toilets, around your washing machine and dishwasher, and under radiators are all common places to look. If you discover a leak, contact a plumber. Clogged drainpipes can also cause ceiling mould.

  1. Clear the Clutter: There’s nothing new about spring cleaning, but winter is a better time to get rid of or recycle outdated knickknacks and garments. The more items we have, especially if they are crammed into cupboards and wardrobes, the less space air has to flow – and air movement is critical for controlling mould growth.

Spend a day decluttering your house of unneeded clutter as the colder months approach. You will not be sorry!

  1. Avoid Drying Clothes Indoors: It may be tempting to hang your clothes to dry indoors on a clothes horse or radiator. Still, moisture may evaporate from the clothes and deposit on the ceiling and walls without adequate ventilation, contributing to your mould problem. Consider investing in a tumble dryer instead, and if that isn’t an option, open as many windows as possible when airing your garments.
  2. Clean Extractor Fans: Exhaust fans in your kitchen or bathroom can become clogged and lose power over time. Maintain their efficiency by having them serviced and cleaned regularly. Outdoor extractor fans are crucial for filtering humidity and unwanted odours.

Dehumidifiers substantially lower humidity levels in your home, making it less inviting to mould, mildew, and dust mites. It is common during the first use. However, with continued use, moisture levels in the air will decrease.

They can be quite beneficial to allergy sufferers since they decrease dust buildup. Dehumidifiers come in a variety of sizes, forms, and costs. For more information on finding the most suitable dehumidifier for your house, contact your local home appliance retailer.

  1. Remove the Mould: How do you deal with a patch of mould in your home? Don’t freak out. While several treatments are available for clearing mould, many include dangerous chemicals and allergens and should be used only as a last option.

If the condition reappears, consult experts like Reztor Restoration to remove the mould safely and effectively.

Mould spores thrive in dark, damp spaces where there is no light. So, make sure you seal any cracks and crevices in your home. It includes gaps between floorboards, doors, windows, and ceilings.

What Effect Do Black Moulds Have On Our Bodies?

Mould growths can create clouds of invisible mould particles in the air. These mould spores can cause infections, allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues. Keep your home as mould-free as possible to avoid these health issues. 

What Effect Do Black Moulds Have On Our Bodies?

The more people dwell in a house, the more likely black mould will grow inside. It is because we expel a lot of moisture into the air when we breathe. We provide extra moisture for moulds to thrive by taking long hot showers, cooking with uncovered pots, drying clothing on an indoor clothesline, or using humidifiers. Storing damp firewood, watering several plants, and storing many vegetables such as potatoes and squash can all increase the likelihood of mould growth.

If you have a mould problem in your house, you must take quick action to stop it. Mould will only grow and spread, producing not just health issues in your home but also foundation damage.

Reztor Restoration has considerable expertise in various waterproofing and indoor air quality systems if you suspect you have a mould or airborne toxin problem. Give us a call now, and we’ll help you decide which system is ideal for your home and family.

Mould, whether black mould or otherwise, is extremely difficult to remove. While black mould is not always more deadly than other varieties, any mould can be hazardous to your family! Remove any mould you detect in your house, or hire a professional mould removal company like Reztor Restoration.