

How to Clean Wool Rugs and Carpets

Wool rugs are durable and long-lasting despite their diversity in form and size. While we frequently consider a rug’s cosmetic possibilities first, wool rugs have been created for generations with function in mind worldwide. Wool is naturally strong and can withstand years of use, which explains why so many antique and vintage carpets are on the market.

However, even the best-made rug requires maintenance. While a wool rug can withstand years of wear and tear, the improper cleaning method can inflict lasting damage in seconds. It’s good to know that you don’t need to use any special equipment to keep your rug in pristine condition.

How to Clean a Carpet

The quickest way to reduce how long it takes to clean a carpet is to keep it clean in the first place. Keep dirty, muddy shoes off the rug to accomplish that. At least twice a month, vacuum the rug if it’s in a busy area or if you have pets. Treat any stains as quickly as possible, and eliminate pet odours using a small amount of distilled white vinegar. 

A well-cared-for carpet rug can last a lifetime. With frequent vacuuming, a carpet should only require a thorough cleaning once a year. You should certainly engage a professional to clean wall-to-wall wool carpeting or very fine rugs, but you may give most wool rugs a soft surface scrub.

How to Clean a Complete Wool Rug

You should wait for a clear, sunny day to complete that once-a-year cleaning project outside. If that isn’t an option, choose a location with a large, clean floor surface that can be wet, or lay down a clean, waterproof tarp.

Dust and dirt should be shaken out.

Begin by removing the rug and pad outside. Drape the rug over a clothesline, porch railing, or a couple of solid chairs and sweep it. Rug beaters are also available in hardware stores. If necessary, beat the rug pad and clean it according to the manufacturer’s directions.

After you’ve cleaned any dirt and filth in the carpeting, thoroughly vacuum it. If the rug contains fringe, begin in the centre and work outward, avoiding the fringe. If necessary, you can clean this with a handheld vacuum. Make sure to vacuum all sides of the carpeting.

Cleaning in Sections

Fill two buckets with water once this is completed. Add a small amount of wool-safe detergent to one bucket. Colours may bleed if you use conventional laundry detergent or bleach. Scrub the rug carefully with the detergent mixture, beginning at one end and working in small portions. Be cautious not to over-wet the rug—wool absorbs a lot of water, and you don’t want soap and moisture deep into the fibres.

After washing each piece with a sponge immersed in clean water:

  1. Rinse it immediately.
  2. Again, don’t use too much water, and keep both sponges clean to avoid reintroducing dirt into the carpeting.
  3. After removing as much soap as possible, dry the area with a towel.
  4. Repeat this procedure for each section of the rug.

Allow the Rug to Dry

It is critical to completely dry the rug so that moisture does not become trapped in the wool strands. Hang the rug outside or under a heavy-duty fan to speed up the process, but remember that this can take several hours. If you wash the rug pad, allow it to dry completely before replacing it. Use this time to clean the floor largely covered by the rug.

Wool Rug Stains: How to Remove Them

Professionals should treat stains that penetrate deep into the rug pile, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do some stain removal yourself. Always blot liquid spills gently with something absorbent, such as a paper towel, being careful not to spread the liquid or push it deeper into the carpeting. Scrape any staining substance on the carpeting with a spoon or spatula for spills with solids. On the other hand, the mud will be easier to remove once it has dried.

There are specific treatments for removing stains on wool. These should only be used indirectly on the rug. Instead, dab them onto the stain with a cloth or sponge. You should test cleaners on an inconspicuous area to ensure they do not damage the carpeting.

Wool rug cleaning might be difficult to keep up with if you have many of these rugs in your home. Consider hiring a professional cleaning service, such as The Reztor Restoration, for assistance. Visit the company’s website to learn more about its offerings and to request a free estimate.

Make It Look Like New Again

A wool rug may bring elegance to any area, and this fibre hides dirt well. However, this might be a disadvantage because the debris can wear away the natural wool strands over time, leaving your rug to appear drab. For the decor piece to stay in perfect condition, it must have a stable surface and be cleaned periodically. Here’s how to thoroughly clean a wool rug.

You can clean your wool rug regularly by vacuuming and using a wool-safe cleaning detergent. If you need to treat a significant spill or prepare for a steam cleaning, you must be cautious about the cleaners you employ.

Only use high-alkaline cleaning solutions if you rent carpet cleaning equipment. Sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, and ammonia are high-alkaline cleaners that might harm your wool carpet. You should also avoid using a too-hot cleaning solution, and bleach is a no-no for carpet cleaning because it degrades wool fibres.

Wool rugs should be cleaned using an alkaline product with a pH of around 8.5. You risk damaging the organic wool fibres, causing discolouration and fibre breakdown over time.


So many wool rugs are available that you need help deciding which one is best for you. The key to ensuring that your rug receives the necessary care is understanding the carpets you are considering as much as possible. To begin, look for elements like fibres, colour, and feel. After that, consider what types of stains are prevalent with wool rugs and what treatments suit them. Once you have all the basic information, you can search for the ideal home rug.

Proper care for your wool rugs is critical to maintaining their appearance over time. Cleaning a wool rug is quite simple, but it’s imperative to note that poor maintenance can damage the fibres over time. Regularly or every couple of years, hire a professional cleaning service like Reztor Restoration.